Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac
Rachel Carson, excerpts from Silent Spring
Helena Maria Viramontes, Under the Feet of Jesus
Diane Smith, Letters from Yellowstone
Tommy Pico, Nature Poem
“Ecocriticism” and “Ecocritical Guidelines for Reading Literature”
Dan Egan, “North America’s Dead Sea”
Arne Naess and George Sessions on Deep Ecology
Robin Kimmerer, “In the Footsteps of Nanabozho” and “The Three Sisters”
Jamaica Kincaid, “In History”
Enrique Salmon, “Sharing Breath: Some Links Between Land, Plants, and People”
Paul Kingsnorth, “Uncivilization: The Dark Mountain Manifesto”
Greta Gaard, “Ecofeminism”
Tate Walker, “The (Native) American Dream”
Laura Wright, “Framing Vegan Studies”
Women’s Assembly of Via Campesina, “Manifesto”
Harper, “Social Justice Beliefs and Addiction to Uncompassionate Consumption”
Simon Ortiz, “Distance”
Nicole Seymour, “Queer Ecology”
Alex Johnson, “How to Queer Ecology, One Goose at a Time”
Kathy Rudy, “LGBTQ…Z?”
Donna Haraway, “Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Plantationocene, Cthulucene: Making Kin”
W.S. Merwin, “Unchopping a Tree”
Ross Gay, “Sharing with the Ants”
Mary Oliver, “5 a.m. in the Pinewoods
Latasha Nevada Diggs, “My First Black Nature Poem”
Ofelia Zepeda, “Birth Witness”
Poetry from Orion Magazine, “Women and Standing Rock”
Annie Proulx, “Brokeback Mountain”
Ang Lee, Brokeback Mountain
Musician: Dar Williams, “Go to the Woods”
Artist: Ana Mendieta
Maya Lin, video of Merwin’s poem
Website: “What is Missing”
Winona LaDuke, “Seeds of Our Ancestors” TED talk
Scott Kennedy Hamilton's documentary The Garden